Discover and Ignite
2020 Programming Outreach
Welcome to the 2020 Programming Outreach Home Page. Here you will find the resources to complete the workshop and Ignite your future with programming!
Challenge Submission
Challenge Rules: All three parts must be completed, only one submission per person.
Who, What, Why?
So why should you be interested in Computer Science anyways?
When I was in high school, I never even considered computer science as something I could pursue. It seemed SCARY and also was unclear what it was exactly. In general, pursuing anything STEM can be extremely intimidating at the surface. But there is one truth to any path you can take in your future. No matter how challenging or simple it may be, if it has been done by some one before, it can be repeated. So if you feel intimidated by learning to program, understanding advanced math or even just applying to university or college, many other people just like yourself have done it before and therefore you can do it as well.
Now, when I say that Computer Science seemed scary, I mean it. But I will let you in on a little secret about computer science and programming: it will be tricky to learn at first, but once you understand it, it will be so clear to you, you will feel like you can speak a new language! You will be able to amaze all of your friends and family, but still will likely not be able to help out with setting up a new printer. I hope that this workshop will get you interested in Computer Science and Technology!
- Noah